Biochemistry Instructional Material



Welcome to this instructional material, designed to support students in understanding the fundamental principles of biochemistry and their vital applications in agriculture. This material is specifically crafted for second-year students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSA) program, providing a strong biochemical foundation for addressing modern agricultural challenges.

Purpose and Significance

This material aims to deepen students' understanding of essential biochemical processes and how these processes impact agricultural systems. By exploring the biochemical composition and functions of key biomolecules—such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids—students will gain valuable insights into how these molecules contribute to plant and animal physiology, metabolism, and nutrient cycles. The course also emphasizes the role of water, pH, buffers, and energy metabolism in biological systems. Understanding these biochemical principles is crucial for improving crop productivity, enhancing soil health, optimizing livestock nutrition, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Target Audience

This instructional material is intended for second-year students enrolled in the BSA program. It serves as a comprehensive resource for developing critical thinking, analytical skills, and problem-solving abilities within the context of biochemistry and its agricultural applications.

How to Use This Material

The learning activities in this material are structured to enhance your understanding and engagement. Here's how you should approach each chapter:

  1. Before the Face-to-Face Class

    • Read the chapter thoroughly and take notes on key concepts.
    • Create a concept map based on the reading selection, highlighting main ideas and connections. This concept map will serve as your "ticket" to enter the face-to-face class.
    • Your group will be assigned a case study with specific questions to analyze. Prepare your answers collaboratively before class.
  2. During the Face-to-Face Class

    • Three members from each group will be randomly selected to answer the assigned case study questions orally (oral discussion). Active participation is essential for meaningful discussions and collaborative learning.
  3. After the Face-to-Face Class

    • Complete an online quiz to reinforce the concepts discussed.
  4. Asynchronous Week

    • Collaborate with your group to create a public video on YouTube based on your assigned case study. Ensure that your video reflects the feedback provided by the instructor during the face-to-face session. Only two groups will present their videos each week, as scheduled by the instructor. The group leaders of other groups will grade the work of the two groups for their group's attendance.
    • Individually, prepare and deliver a speech that reflects on the assigned topic as specified in the chapter exercises. This activity is designed to help you articulate your thoughts clearly and demonstrate your understanding of the subject. Only two groups will write and video record their speech each week, as scheduled by the instructor. Students not assigned to submit speeches will provide a peer grade for the content and delivery of their classmates. Only 2 comments are allowed per video.
  5. Term Examinations

    • At the end of every term, a moving exam will be administered. This exam will focus on the key facts and concepts studied throughout the term. The exam will consist of 50 points and will include questions that test your ability to recall important information (such as definitions, key terms, and basic concepts). This type of question is designed to evaluate your understanding of foundational knowledge, which is essential for further learning in agriculture. Make sure to review your notes, key terms, and highlighted materials to prepare effectively.
    • Scheduled at the end of each term, you will take a 50-item multiple-choice term exam covering the topics studied during the term. The exam questions will include:

      • Remembering: Questions that test your ability to recall facts and basic concepts.
      • Understanding: Questions that assess your ability to explain ideas or concepts.
      • Applying: Questions that require you to use the information in practical situations.
      • Analyzing: Questions that ask you to break down information into parts to explore patterns and relationships.
      • Evaluating: Questions that challenge you to make judgments or decisions based on criteria and standards.

      The exam will be worth 50 points, and you must present an exam permit to take the test. Make sure to review all lessons and practice applying what you have learned to prepare for the variety of question types.

This material combines individual, group, and multimedia activities to provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. By following these steps, you will strengthen your understanding of biochemistry while developing critical skills in teamwork, problem-solving, and scientific communication.

For more information about the course such as the grading system, course requirements, etc. please see the course syllabus here.

We hope this instructional material will inspire you to appreciate the significant role of biochemistry in advancing agricultural practices and sustainability. Let us embark on this learning journey together!

Table of Contents


  • Purpose and Significance
  • Target Audience
  • How to Use This Material

Chapter 1: 
Introduction to Biochemistry, Water, pH, and Buffers

Chapter 2: Carbohydrates and Proteins

Chapter 3: Lipids

Chapter 4: Nucleic Acid

  • (to be posted)

Chapter 4: Exercises

  • Concept Map
  • Oral Discussion
  • Online Quiz
  • Public YouTube Video - Group 3 and 4
  • Speech - Group 5 & 6

Chapter 5: Carbohydrate Metabolism

  • (to be posted)

Chapter 5: Exercises

  • Concept Map
  • Oral Discussion
  • Online Quiz
  • Public YouTube Video - Group 5 and 6
  • Speech - Group 1 & 2

Chapter 6: Lipids and Protein Metabolism

  • (to be posted)

Chapter 6: Exercises

  • Concept Map
  • Oral Discussion
  • Online Quiz
  • Public YouTube Video - Group 1 and 2
  • Speech - Group 3 & 4


  • Glossary of Terms


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